Prairie Fire Festival
April 5-10, 2004 ~ Cottonwood Falls, Kansas

Schedule of Activities

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April 5 6:30 PM Spirit of the TallGrass Prairie", Don Coldsmith Seminar
Emma Chase Café


April 6  10:00 AM Governor Sebelius visits Chase County at the TallGrass Prairie Meeting
Community Building Swope Park, Cottonwood Falls 
6:30 PM

"TallGrass Prairie", Mike Holder Seminar, Emma Chase Café


April 7 6:30 PM  "Chase County Remembers", Community Seminar
Emma Chase Café


April 8  6:30 PM "Plants of the TallGrass Prairie", Tom Eddy Seminar
Emma Chase Café


April 9  7:30 PM TallGrass Gospel Singin', Musicians, Singers, & Audience
Welcome, Emma Chase Café


April 10 All Day Art on Broadway - Fine Art and Contemporary  
All Day Chase County Art Guild exhibit at the Masonic Temple
All Day  Quilters in the CourtHouse exhibit by the Flint Hills Quilt Guild 
9 to 5 Craft exhibits throughout the business district featuring the paintings of Judith Mackey at her studio at 321 Broadway      
10:00 AM  Matfield Green Radio Show
on the Sound Stage
11:30 AM  Steve Bowman
on the Sound Stage
2:00 PM K-177 BlueGrass Pickin'
on the Sound Stage
7:30 PM Judy Coder and the "Pride of the Prairie" 
Concert and Street Dance.

For more information email
or call .

The Prairie Fire Festival is a production of the
Cottonwood Falls Retail Merchants Association